I think I have already mentioned several times in this blog that the husband and I love Indian food. :) This is the first time I'm posting something about an Indian restaurant we have tried few weeks back. Actually, this restaurant is the only decent one near our place.
To start off, we had garlic naan bread. I know there are several kinds of bread in the Indian cuisine. So far, I have tried naan, roti/chapati, papadum and paratha. Roti and naan are my top 2 favorites among those that I have tasted. The garlic naan of Prata Wala was just simple. It wasn't over the top garlicky or bland either. For me, with a rate of 1 to 5, this was a 4. :)
A set of garlic naan bread
I had the Chicken Tandoori for my main meal. I have been craving for barbecue the previous days we ate at Prata Wala that's why I chose this dish. I love the spiciness is just alright for my liking. At first, I was quite hesitant to use the green dipping sauce (on the right side of the plate) because I'm not so sure what it is. But when I tried it, I was pleasantly surprised how wonderful it complements the zing in the chicken. To be honest, I was taken aback on how generous the rice serving was. :D I have tried my best to lessen my rice intake for the last several years/months (it's on and off) and I was so tempted to finish my plate! But as always, I had to hand over my leftovers to the husband to finish everything. :)
Chicken Tandoori |
This was the husband's meal - Chicken Biryani. If I'm remember correctly, the dipping sauce is curry. The husband was happy with his meal except for the rice -- just like me. He's the one who influenced me to eat lesser rice, actually. I wasn't able to try his food because I was too busy chomping on my tandoori :P According to him, it was one of the good biryanis he's had. Too bad he's not into eggs, so he ended up with rice and the boiled egg for leftovers.
Chicken Biryani with Papadum |
For the drink, we had the Milo Dinosaur. Too bad I wasn't able to take a photo of it. I guess I was too busy fussing over the toddler with me who wanted to have the drink all by herself. It was decorated with pretty colored sprinkles on top. That was probably the reason why my daughter was so adamant in having the drink! I like the bountiful Milo powder on top, the reason why I order the drink :)
Overall, we were satisfied and left the place with a smile. I recommend the Chicken Tandoori! Before I forget, I was able to try their veggie samosa with chutney dipping sauce last week. It was really good! I love the crunchy dough and the filling -- potatoes, green peas and cashew nuts. One piece (S$2)makes you really stuffed!
4 Tampines Central 5, #B1-K19 Tampines Mall, Singapore